Jun 14Liked by Micah Larsen

Your questions and comments for Biscuit are brilliant and will make such a difference in his life.

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Jun 14Liked by Micah Larsen

I love this. As an "Auntie" to a toddler boy, I am always reconsidering my default approach to handling feelings and bodies. Just because I followed certain patterns when my kids were little, doesn't prevent me from taking a more thoughtful approach to newer kids. After all, a little more time to reflect and adjust is one of the benefits of growing older.

Thirty years ago, tantrums felt like a personal attack that actively prevented me from getting through the day. Today, tantrums feel like an emotional overflow for a little person who has big feelings, but no way to control the environment, situation, or even his own body. I'd probably scream and kick if I was being manhandled beyond my comfort and endurance, too. Kids need us to listen and empathize.

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This is such a beautiful and thoughtful way to approach tantrums 🖤

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