May 6Liked by Micah Larsen

“But, if we know why we feel pressured to be hairless, smooth, and forever-young, we can decide if it’s really worth all the effort.”

I love this, Micah. I get a lot out of Jessica DeFino’s writing on the beauty industry and I think you would too! She has a lot of brilliant things to say, but one recent thing that sticks with me is her candor around the “why” of the beauty products and routines she sometimes chooses to use. She talks about wearing, say, concealer as a way of alleviating social pressure to look a certain way (young, fresh, well-slept). If she knows why she’s choosing to alleviate that pressure, it feels less like a default behavior and it puts the beauty-conforming behavior in context.

The beauty industry is so thorny and fraught and hard to talk about that any deeper context or nuance can be really useful, so I appreciate you going into it here.

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Catherine, thank you! Googling Jessica DeFino right now

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